Biology Syllabus (Exploring Creation with Biology 2nd Edition)

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  • Paperback – 36 pages
  • by Laura Berquist

We use Exploring Creation with Biology by Dr. Jay Wile which provides a serious study of biology while remaining very home-school friendly. In addition the student also reads Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe and Humani Generis in order to consider the theory of evolution. Apologia also provides a Solutions and Tests Manual for the main text in addition to the study questions throughout the book. The Biology Syllabus has a day-by-day breakdown of this course along with paper topics and a variety of teaching resources including Eleventh Grade Subject Rubrics, Learning Objectives, and grading charts. This is a 1 year, 1 credit course. (The syllabus also contains optional lab assignments which the student may complete for an additional ½ credit of Biology Lab.)