Catholic Apologetics

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  • Paperback – 165 pages 
  • by Fr. John Laux 
  • TAN Books – 2003 

The Fr. Laux texts provide excellent, thoughtful, somewhat challenging information. Fr. Laux lays this material out and in order to understand it the student has to put his mind on the matters. He has to think. This is the way one’s mind is formed. Also, Fr. Laux doesn’t just give interesting information, he gives arguments. He leads the reader from one premise to another, and to the conclusion that comes from putting those premises together. Additionally, both Fr. Laux texts have in depth questions at the end of the chapter. They require laying out a position, or arguing from one point to another. There are also very helpful paper outlines.

We are working toward a very clear understanding of the motives of credibility. The argument started in 9th grade with an exposition of basic Catholic Doctrine, laid out in a causal order. We move on this year to the proof for the existence of God, the claims of Jesus to be God, made in a reliable historical document, the fact that He founded a religion and that religion is the Catholic Church.  One can make that argument well because he has been prepared for it. Fr. Laux was not only an intelligent man, he was a teacher. He takes the student by the hand and directs him, in the right order, from one truth to the next, building the student’s understanding of the arguments and giving him the tools to deepen that understanding.  

No Catholic should pass beyond the age of 16 without being able to answer clearly, both to himself and to others, the challenges of those who do not believe in the existence of God, of Christ or the teachings of the Catholic Church. In this compact book, Fr John Laux gives both the student and the adult reader dozens of excellent, well reasoned answers to the classic objections against the Catholic Faith. He covers all the fundamental truths of the Faith. Providing both facts and sound logical reasoning for every question he considers. Every Catholic should have a firm grounding regarding the reasonableness of his beliefs, lest he fall victim to the superficial objections of of the world which have been refuted over and over again for years, even for centuries. From this book, the reader will derive the confidence that there are not only answers, but excellent, thought provoking, logical answers to any and all difficulties abut the Faith which may arise. Fr Laux\'s presentation is thus a powerful tool to help souls hold fast with firm confidence to their Faith which time and again has proved to be the bulwark of sanity in this world, as well as the inestimable Pearl of Great Price for which true believers will sacrifice anything to possess.