Federalists & Antifederalists: The Debate Over the Ratification of the Constitution

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  • Paperback – 228 pages 
  • by Edited by Kiminski & Leffler 
  • Library of America – 1993 

This course is the most difficult in our curriculum, but it is very satisfying as it is the culmination of four years of governmental study. While this is not the only issue considered in our history courses, it is an important theme throughout the high school history courses. The discussion of law in the Summa, and Question 105 regarding the best form of government, provide the final context for the discussion of the issues that occupied our Founding Fathers in the development of our Constitution. Both sides of each issue are studied. The student is required to explain each issue from two points of view and then make a judgment about which is right. This provides practice in persuasive argument, and a good tool for ensuring understanding of the issues. The Federalist & Anti Federalist text is excellently done. It isolates the primary arguments surrounding each issue, but there is enough context for the reader to be sure he is getting the whole story. The economics texts are well suited to each other. One (Economics in One Lesson) is a classic consideration of economics, and the other is a concise explanation.

For a quarter of a century between 1763 and 1788, Americans intensely debated the nature of government and the need to protect individual liberties. The debate climaxed in the arguments over the ratification of the Constitution. Through a selection of essential documents from 1787 and 1788, this new edition gives readers the flavor and immediacy of the great debate in all its fire, brilliance, and political intensity. Organized by topic, this is a convenient reference and teaching tool.