Medieval English & Spanish History & Literature Syllabus

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This is a prior history/literature course that was used by Mother of Divine Grace School. Many of the important books in the course are out of print. Our updated course is Medieval European History & Literature. The syllabus for this course can be found here

  • Paperback – 67 pages 
  • by Laura Berquist 

We use History of the English Speaking People by Winston Churchill, The Lives of the Kings & Queens of England by Antonia Fraser, and The History of Medieval Spain by J. O’Callaghan as the primary texts in this course. In addition the student reads works of literature and primary historical sources that are correlated to the time period being studied in history such asBeowulfThe Ballad of the White Horse by G.K. Chesterton, Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot, Richard the Third by Paul Murray Kendall, The Life of Sir Thomas More by William Roper, and Isabella of Spain and The Characters of the Inquisition by William Thomas Walsh. We also provide the student with a variety of supplemental historical fiction that can be used to complement the study of history through literature. We also include essay and paper topics to give the student practice with writing in variety of styles. The Medieval English & Spanish History & Literature Syllabus has a day-by-day breakdown of this course along with paper topics, discussion questions, answers to the questions, detailed literature, art, and music lists, and a variety of teaching resources including Eleventh Grade Subject Rubrics, Learning Objectives, and grading charts. This is a 1 year, 2 credit course.