Sixth Grade Syllabus
- Paperback – 158 pages
- by Laura Berquist
The Sixth Grade Syllabus contains detailed daily lesson plans for Religion, Mathematics, Grammar, Editing, Spelling, Poetry, Science, History, Geography, Latin, Art and Music. It also contains a variety of teaching resources including Sixth Grade Subject Rubrics and Learning Objectives, suggested daily schedules, teaching tips, grading charts, a list of grade level appropriate literature correlated to the history, and a final test for the Latin text. We have provided below a sample of the first week from the syllabus along with a list of the books used in the syllabus.
In Religion we use St. Joseph’’s Baltimore Catechism, No. 2 to continue the study of Catholic doctrine. We also use the Gospel according to St. Mark and the Gospel according to St. Luke along with study questions for each chapter to facilitate discussion in the study of Sacred Scripture. In Mathematics we use Math 76(Saxon) to develop facility in computation and understanding of mathematical principles. In Grammar we recommend either Voyages in English 6 with the Elementary Diagramming Worktext (Daly) or Easy Grammar, Grade 6 (Phillips) to continue the formal study of grammar which assumes a more central place in the curriculum this year along with literature, poetry and history all of which contribute to the formation of the intellect in a way that is appropriate at the end of the Grammatical stage. We begin the practice of Editing through either Editor in Chief Level 1 or The Great Editing Adventure, Vol. II. In Spelling we recommend continuing to use The Writing Road to Reading along with Starting a Spelling Notebook. In Poetry we continue to use The Harp and Laurel Wreath for selections of poetry to memorize. In Science we recommend Exploring the Building Blocks of Science 6, OR Balance Beam (Tops) and Pendulum (Tops) OR Magnetism(Tops) and Electricity (Tops). In History we begin The Old World and America which provides a springboard for the study of Egypt and other ancient civilizations through supplemental texts such as Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and Pyramids. We also provide the student with a list of historical fiction, including works like God King: A Story in the Days of King Hezekiah, Mara, Daughter of the Nile, and The Hittite Warrior, to complement the study of history through literature. In Geography, which is correlated with history, we use The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt (Penguin) to let the student master the geography of Egypt and the Ancient World through extensive map work. In Latin we use Beginning Latin III or Fundamentals in Latin Grammar 1 to continue the formal study of Latin. In Art we use Calligraphy – First Steps Series (Marsh) to encourage the practical application while we use Art 7 for Young Catholics (Seton Press) for continued appreciation. In Music we use Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory along with classical music selections for music appreciation.
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