Eighth Grade Teacher Planner
- Paperback – 65 pages
- by Laura Berquist
The Eighth Grade Teacher Planner is the perfect student supplement to the Eighth Grade Syllabus. It contains daily lesson plans for Religion, Mathematics, Grammar, Spelling, Poetry, Science, History, Geography, Latin, Art and Music in an easy-to-read format addressed to the student.
In Religion we use Our Life in the Church (Faith & Life) and the St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism, No. 2, for a study of the doctrine of the Church on all of the sacraments, but particularly Confirmation. In Mathematics we use Algebra ½ (Saxon) which employs rational argument in a way that the student can follow quite easily. In Grammar we use Easy Grammar Plus to continue the study of analytic grammar. In Spelling we use Wordly Wise 5 which helps to build the student’s vocabulary and strengthen his spelling skills. In Poetry we continue to use The Harp and Laurel Wreath along with several Shakespeare plays for selections of poetry to memorize. In Science we use Concepts and Challenges in Science 3 (C) which continues the investigation of God’s creation. In History we use Old World and America as a springboard text to cover Medieval History. This course is supplemented with a variety of books including The Story of the Church, Fingal's Quest, Augustine Came to Kent, Son of Charlemagne, The Magna Charta, and Adam of the Road. We also provide the student with a list of historical fiction to complement the study of history through literature. In Geography, which is correlated with history, we use Historical Atlas of the World (Rand McNally) to let the student master the geography of Medieval Europe through map work and we use Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide for the study of modern world geography. In Latin we use Fundamentals of Latin Grammar 2 which is a delightful Latin program and easy to use. (Note: more advanced students are encouraged to use our Latin I Syllabus.) In Art we use Art Through Faith 8 for Young Catholics (Seton Press) for continued appreciation. In Music we use Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory and Meet the Great Composers along with classical music selections for music appreciation.
Current Edition: Copyright 2019
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